My protagonist utilizes mainly two colors and those are green and black as you can see in this picture. The black is mostly used to evoke a sense of darkness and unpredictability. Also the black is used to really make the bright neon green stand out a lot more. The green has multiple meanings to it. The green symbolizes fate but also uncertainty. Also because of how bright and bold the green is it can also give a feeling of power. The bright green and the blackness really portray this protagonist accurately in the image of inexperience but has very powerful abilities.

For the shadow and the lighting about my antagonist I decided to choose this picture of two guys in a foggy spotlight. The reason is because the spotlight represents a sense of justice. It gives off the feeling of being heroic and standing out from a crowd. It shows that he is sort of saintly and does good with darkness around him which can symbolize crime and evil. The reason that I wanted the spotlight foggy is because the protagonist is not entirely pure. He does not always makes the right decisions. It gives the impression that he is very human.
Lastly, for the shape of the protagonist I decided to use the picture of a diamond. The reason I chose to use a diamond is because the diamond represents multiple things. The diamond shows that he is round and very human like. But also it means that my character is a little rough around the edges. Not to mention the diamond represents strength and durability. Diamonds are very difficult to break and so is the antagonist. He is incredibly tough and can take a beating. He is a rare breed just like the diamond is and very bright and vibrant.
For the color of the antagonist is decided to use the hues of yellow and black. In order the show those colors I chose to put a picture of yellow lines on a black street. The black signifies that the character is a dark and evil villain. It also shows that he is a very mysterious person as well. The yellow on the other hand represents that he makes clear decisions and isn't nervous. But it also represents deceit and betray. But also since it is a bolder and more distinct shade of yellow that symbolizes a sense of power as well.
As far as the lighting and the shadow for the antagonist I decided to use this picture of a shadowy figure with a gloomy light behind him. This picture can also have multiple meanings to it that help represent the antagonist. The shadowy image of the person symbolizes that the character is a dark and mysterious individual. It can also just simply show that the character is an evil and mean spirited individual. The glow of light around him shows he likes to be in spotlight. It can also mean that with good all around him he will still stay evil.
I feel like the best way to describe the shape of this antagonist is only through the image of a bowling ball. This is because plain and simple, the villain is short and round just like that of a bowling ball. I guess he can also be seen as somewhat sharp and angular in the face but the bowling ball is the best resemblance of shape to him. The shortness can symbolize the short temper that he has. The roundness on the other hand goes to show the human type appearance of him. But mainly just because the character is a short pudgy man.